Category Archives: Postural Issues

Remedial Massage For Better Posture

What is good posture

What Does Posture Mean? The term ‘posture’ is often misunderstood. Many people for example, think that ‘good posture’ can be defined as a specific position that we hold ourselves in when standing. A common definition of physical posture is, “the position or bearing of the body, whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose”. This […]

How Myotherapy Can Help

remedial massage brunswick

Muscle pain and dysfunction is extremely common in the modern world, however it can be easily avoided and/or treated. Myotherapy is an excellent option for treating muscular pain as it’s non-invasive, drug free and a completely natural treatment option.  What Is Myotherapy? Myotherapy (myo meaning muscle) is a specialised field of massage therapy that focuses […]

What is Good Posture?

What is good posture

Many people that come into our clinics believe they have bad posture. Poor posture can be a sign of many different things occurring in your body. Your posture, or the way you hold yourself and move often relates to your physical health/habits as well as your emotional and stress levels. Achieving better posture requires much […]

Is Sitting Down Too Long At The Office The Cause Of Your Back Pain?

Shoulder Strength Exercises

Chairs, whether office chairs, lab chairs, school chairs, home chairs or sofas are meant to provide us maximum comfort so that we can perform the desired functions or enjoy our free time. Unfortunately, this is not always true and there is more and more evidence showing that prolonged sitting whether at home or office can […]

Remedial Massage To Help Your Posture

better posture

This is a difficult question! It really depends on how you define the term “posture” as it can mean many different things. Definition: “The position or bearing of the body whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose” (Merriam-Webster). Posture or Structure? | Can Remedial Massage Help Posture? If you google ‘posture’ you will see the […]

Self Massage For Office Workers

self massage
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Have you ever complained that work is literally a pain in the neck?! Many office workers report feelings of stiffness, soreness, tightness, pain and restriction, particularly in their neck, back, shoulders and hips. Why is that and what causes it? There are of course many reasons which vary from person to person. We have […]