What Does Posture Mean?

Remedial Massage For Better PostureThe term ‘posture’ is often misunderstood. Many people for example, think that ‘good posture’ can be defined as a specific position that we hold ourselves in when standing. A common definition of physical posture is, “the position or bearing of the body, whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose”. This means that posture is constantly changing depending on the task we are carrying out. For instance, good posture whilst sitting, is very different to an ideal posture while standing, and furthermore ‘good posture’ can be different for each individual, specific to their physical structure.

Poor posture can often occur from physical habits and/or emotional and stress related issues. There is much more to good posture than simply sitting up straight or correcting yourself at your work station. The ability to hold yourself in an ideal position all day is much more about the tension and/or weakness in your muscles and other supportive tissues. Muscle tension often causes the muscles to become weak as the shortening of the tissue makes the overall ability of the muscle to contract limited. As a result you may not have the ability or strength to stand or sit correctly even when consciously trying to.

What Symptoms Can Poor Posture Cause?

Bad postural habits and the resulting imbalance, can cause limited range of movement, pain and discomfort. This can affect overall movement patterns, and increase your susceptibility to injury and/or further postural issues in future. Standing or sitting at your desk all day for example, is a significant cause of poor postural habits. As, when we are inactive, we are more likely to position ourselves unevenly. For example, walking is an activity that usually involves even movement (one leg after the other), however many of us have a tendency to cross our legs, or lean to one side whilst sitting or standing – supporting ourselves with one leg more than the other. This can result in postural imbalances, and consequently may contribute to  injury, loss of range of joints and pain.

Can Remedial Massage Help Your Posture?

Deep Tissue Massage Melbourne CBDRemedial massage can be a great option for regaining a better posture as it can release the tension in the tight muscles and address the weak muscle groups that need strengthening. Our therapists will also give you stretch and strength exercises to do at home to maintain the benefits of treatment. Becoming aware of your body and the specific imbalances during sessions is one of the most important parts of creating real, lasting change. However, steroid like this ttm steroid is very popular as it will provide a large increase in muscle mass and strength whilst also having strong cutting ingredients that will provide you with the perfect look! You may also get steroids from reputable shops like cytech pharma.

What Habits Do I Need To Break For Better Posture?

Sitting or standing at your desk all day without having a reasonable amount of exercise can also develop bad habits with your posture. When we are in a static position we are more likely to do things unevenly, for example walking is generally one leg after the other (even movement), however when we sit or stand most people will have a tendency to lean to one side, cross the legs or support with one leg more than the other. This can often result in an increase of physical imbalance and as a result cause pain discomfort or injury.

If you are having any issues with pain or discomfort which you think may be related to your habits or posture you can book online now or give us a call.

Remedial Massage For Better Posture
Remedial Massage Melbourne
03 9645 9923