Remedial Massage for Tennis Elbow

What is Tennis Elbow and what causes it?

Tennis Elbow is the common name for a condition called Lateral Epicondylalgia. This condition affects 1-3% of the population and is caused by a degenerative change in the extensor muscle tendon of the forearm, specifically, the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle. It’s believed that the main reason for this change is micro trauma to the soft tissue due to repetitive flexion/extension and prone/supination movements of the elbow. Other causes that may contribute to developing Lateral Epicondylagia include heavy lifting, direct trauma to the elbow, and/or extension of the wrist against resistance. For example, when a tennis player performs a backhanded stroke against the force of the tennis ball hitting the racket, hence the term Tennis Elbow. 

However, it’s not just tennis players that are prone to developing this condition. There are many other activities and/or work conditions that commonly contribute to Lateral Epiconylalgia: occupations involving repetitive hand and forearm movements such as industrial work and hairdressing, computer work, cycling and driving, hobbies and crafting, and the use of smartphone devices.  

Some of the typical symptoms of Tennis Elbow are:

  • Tenderness and aching on the outside of the elbow
  • Restricted movement of the elbow joint
  • Pain in the forearm muscles
  • Pain when grasping or holding things

What treatment options are available for tennis elbow?

At Melbourne Combined Natural Therapies, our qualified and experienced remedial massage therapists and myotherapists utilise a range of techniques to reduce both the symptoms and the chance of it reoccurring, in particular dry needling and myotherapy. 

According to a meta-analysis of studies conducted in 2020, dry needling had positive results in reducing pain intensity and disability, as well as increasing pain threshold and grip strength in individuals with Lateral Epicondylalgia. What’s more, the safe and simple insertion of a thin filiform needle into the affected muscle and tendon can often be less painful than applying manual therapy pressure to an already tender area. 

If you are experiencing Tennis Elbow symptoms and would like to discuss the possibility of using dry needling and myotherapy as a treatment, visit our website or contact Charlton from the Brunswick clinic directly at

Along with physical treatment many people will need to also adjust their daily activities and add some stretches and exercises to their daily regime to completely resolve it. 2 great stretches to start with are:

Tricep Stretch

The triceps are what we call the muscles that run down the back of your arm. If you experience pain in that region, have elbow pain or difficulty fully extending your arms, have restrictions…
Watch Video

Forearm Flexor & Extensor Stretches

Forearm stretches are really important for anyone doing repetitive work, especially desk workers and people with tendonitis and other repetitive strain injuries…
Watch Video

If you are experiencing Tennis Elbow symptoms and would like to incorporate remedial massage or myotherapy into your recovery program, give us a call or book online.