remedial massage melbourneMany people are familiar with the benefits of regular relaxation massage and how it can calm and relax our body and mind. However many people are not aware of the differences between a regular relaxation massage and remedial massage, who can benefit from it, and what type of massage modalities are used.

What Is Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage is different to the common massage services offered by many spas and fitness centres in the sense that it is more focused, systematic, and result-oriented. While most of the common massage techniques are aimed at relaxing the mind and the body, remedial massage can go beyond this and target complete rehabilitation of an injured body part, or parts and any pain and discomfort associated with it. Additionally, if you’re looking for medical spa services, find out here by clicking on the link: For a clear answer to the question “what is remedial massage“, let’s explore some definitions:

“It is a complementary therapy that starts with a complete assessment of injuries and/or musculoskeletal conditions followed by a comprehensive treatment plan aimed at providing aid in the rehabilitation and management of injury or pain.”

The main objective of remedial massage is to create a favourable environment for the body so that it can heal itself in the shortest period of time, allowing the patient to return to their normal life after an injury.

What Is A Session Like? 

remedial massage melbourne cbdA typical session for a new patient will start with a detailed assessment of the underlying musculoskeletal dysfunction, treatment based on the assessment and then the most appropriate post-treatment advice. Here is a rundown of a typical remedial massage session for a new patient:

Pre Session

Before the session, your therapist will get as much relevant information as possible regarding any previous injuries/medial complaints, work patterns, hobbies and relevant lifestyle information. This information helps them identify the most likely cause of the pain or injury.

Physical Assessment & Testing

Your therapist will examine the affected area and will often compare it with the unaffected side of the body. The assessment helps them build a complete picture of the problem.

remedial massage melbourne cityThe therapist may then perform/suggest various tests keeping in mind your physical and medical condition. These tests may include range of movement tests, posture analysis tests, biomechanical tests, and neural tests. These tests help them identify the most likely cause/s of the musculoskeletal dysfunction.

Treatment Modalities

Depending on the outcomes of the above steps and the nature of the musculoskeletal dysfunction/pain/injury, the remedial massage therapist will use any one or a combination of the following massage techniques:

  • trigger point therapy
  • myofascial release
  • cupping
  • deep tissue massage
  • heat and cold
  • muscle energy technique

What Can It Help With?

  • neck, shoulder or back pain
  • headaches
  • arthritis
  • preventing injuries
  • sport or other injury recovery
  • chronic pain
  • fatigue
  • anxiety or depression

If you would like any further information give us a call 03 9645 9923.

Melbourne Natural Therapies
Remedial Massage Melbourne
Remedial Massage, How Does It Work?