massage for runnersMany runners experience tension in the muscles of the leg and foot, restricted range of motion and as a result decreased circulation to the compressed tissues of the leg. Additionally runners often suffer from back pain as a result of the repetitive shock that is sustained by the stabiliser muscles along the spine. Remedial massage relieves the muscular tension, improves blood circulation to the compressed tissues, lengthens the muscles, and helps to restore range of motion.

Benefits Of Remedial Massage For Runners

Remedial massage can reduce your recovery time and improve your performance, it will also help to prevent many sports injuries and if they do occur, it will help you recover faster. Here are some of the benefits you can expect from getting regular massage sessions from an experienced remedial massage therapist:

  • Reduced muscle fatigue, pain, and soreness
  • Improved circulation and lowered blood pressure
  • Helps remove waste products from the muscles
  • Helps improve pulmonary function by releasing tight muscles in the torso
  • Increases deoxygenated blood return back to the heart (venous blood flow)
  • Improves/increases range of motion
  • Supports the tissue healing process

Although occasional massage is a good idea for most people, runners often experience the maximum benefits of remedial massage when having sessions on a regular basis. For runners doing 20-30 Kms per week, one session of remedial massage per fortnight is recommended, however, if you are doing more than 30Kms per week, it’s a good idea to have a remedial massage session on a weekly basis.

If you would like to see how remedial massage can help your running you can Book Online Now with one of our fully qualified therapists. Our therapists will tailor a treatment session based on your individual needs. Our therapists can use a combination or deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and cupping to treat any issues you may have. 

Remedial Massage For Runners
Remedial Massage Melbourne