Remedial massage treatmentRemedial Massages Through WorkSafe

At Melbourne Natural Therapies you are able to receive remedial massage sessions with several of our therapists and claim back the cost of your treatments through your WorkSafe agent.

WorkSafe advocates a biopsychosocial approach to your health and wellness and as such, remedial massages may form part of your care plan to return to work under the Victorian Workers’ Compensation Scheme. If you are in Melbourne and require remedial massage to treat a Work Cover claim, then you can book with us across all of our remedial massage clinics, in Southbank, Melbourne CBD or Brunswick, subject to availability.

How can remedial massage help you return to work?

Remedial massage uses manual massage techniques to treat musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction. When rehabilitating from an injury, remedial massage can help to improve blood flow and circulation in order to facilitate healing. As well as enabling the body’s natural healing mechanisms, remedial massages can help to reduce pain from trigger points and help to lengthen and strengthen injured areas, loosen adhesions from tightness or scarring, improve the quality of the soft tissues and reduce fascial tightness which can also improve posture and the ability to move and use the injured areas with improved functionality.

Remedial massage as part of your WorkSafe compensation plan

Remedial massage is often used alongside other allied health treatments to form part of a structured rehabilitation process and help progress individuals to return to work. There are measurable outcomes from using remedial massage in your return to work journey; by treating the body’s ailments with manual techniques remedial massage can help restore confidence in using your body as pain is reduced and movements become easier; simple self care massage, stretches or exercise may be given which can empower you to self-manage your injury and safeguard you for future; your mental health will also benefit as the massage sessions help to calm the nervous system and provide relaxation which in turn further facilitates the body’s healing processes.  By having remedial massage as part of your injury management plan, we hope to help you on your journey back to work.

worksafe massage therapistClaiming through Work Safe

WorkSafe will pay an amount back to you for your remedial massage sessions. The amount paid is only a portion of the full cost of your remedial massage and as such, if your booking a WorkSafe remedial massage appointment in any of our clinics, you will need to pay for your session at the end of the treatment as usual and we will provide you with a receipt to send on to your WorkSafe agent so that you can be reimbursed for some of the treatment cost. 

Booking an appointment for a WorkSafe

You can book at the following clinics with the following therapists, subject to availability. Please visit our team page to read more about each therapist.

Phil Romeril
Cal Savage

Anja Sotomayor

Charlton Szapiro

Please go ahead and book your appointment with one of the above therapists through our online booking system. We look forward to helping you on your return to work journey.